What to Expect

What to Expect

We are still in the early stages of a new church. This is an exciting time! Compass Church Naples is a community of people who love Jesus and love one another.

  • Expect to be greeted and welcomed and for people to want to get to know you and encourage you in your journey of following Jesus and knowing God.
  • Expect to open your Bible. We are a Bible church and we want to hear from God through his word. Biblical, expository preaching is central to our times of worship. So bring your Bible and a pen, we provide sermon note sheets. If you don’t have a Bible we have extras you can use and even keep if you like.
  • Expect energetic and passionate worship that is contemporary and helps lead us to a place of personal encounter with the Lord.
  • Expect to be invited to join a small group or for dinner with others from the church. Discipleship is a team effort and we grow better in loving community.
  • Expect to be needed and find a place of service if you make Compass your church home.
  • Expect a healthy church, not a perfect church. We all are a work in progress, and we all fall down at times, but when we fall, we own our stuff and we love and forgive and help each other get back up.
