

Compass Kids

Our mission when it comes to our kids is the same as our adults, make disciples! We believe the primary spiritual influencers of kids is their family, so we want to support parents by providing an age appropriate experience of loving Christian community and Bible teaching. CURRICULUM Answers Bible Curriculum is achronological curriculum that covers theentire Bible. It answers questions thatconfront Christians today, and it providesan amazing overview of God’s Word.Handouts reinforce the lesson contentand encourage easy family discussion athome.…

Small Groups

Following Jesus is a team effort. We were never meant to experience the fullness of Christ apart from a loving community of other Jesus followers. Sunday worship and the preaching of God’s Word is critical to this experience, but it is insufficient to help us grow as multiplying disciples. Small groups is where the real work of making disciples takes root and bears fruit in our lives. We meet in homes throughout the week as mixed groups of couples and…