About Us

About Us


In 2015 Pastor John Secrest and his family began the journey to Naples by attending a church planter training at Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago. In January 2016 they began the work of building a core group and planting a new Harvest Bible Chapel in Naples. The first official service launched in November 2016 at the Naples YMCA. In September 2018 Harvest Naples became the eighth campus of Harvest Chicago. After a series of difficult experiences related to this partnership a group of former Harvest Naples members asked Pastor John and his family to join them in starting a new church in Naples. In March 2019, Compass Church Naples was born!

Compass Church Naples is an independent, locally governed church. We are a congregationally governed and elder led church that makes disciples to the glory of God

Our Network

We believe it is important for local churches to also belong to a larger family of churches for the purpose of encouragement, sharing resources and mission initiatives

Compass Church Naples is affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America. The EFCA is a diverse movement of nearly 1600 churches in the United States with missionaries serving in 59 countries.

Our Mission & Vision

To Glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
(Matthew 28:18-20)

Helping people find their way back to God. (hpftwbtG)

Our Distinctives

  • Fervent Prayer, Ephesians 6:18
  • Passionate Worship, John 4:23-24
  • Bold Preaching, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
  • Purposeful Disciple Making, Ephesians 4:11-16
  • Courageous Evangelism, Matthew 9:36-38
  • Strategic Church Planting, Matthew 16:18b